AI Case Study
Goldman Sachs widens graduate interview pool, and streamlines the processing of them, with first round job interviews conducted using video analysis
Applicants are asked questions on the screen of their PC and their answers are recorded. These videos are then scanned by algorithms picking up which words or phrases are used, the manner and style of responses and the level of confidence projected. This has the potential to reduce unconscious bias - assuming that the algorithms have been trained appropriately.
Financial Services
Investment Banking And Investment Services
Project Overview
"Rather than sitting in front of an interviewer, students are asked to set up a webcam on their computer or phone. Questions pop up on the screen, and they are asked to make a video recording of their answers.
Thousands of videos are then scanned by powerful algorithms that can pick up what kinds of words or phrases you are using, how concisely you present your arguments, and how confident you sound. Computer programmes using artificial intelligence (AI) can also detect “micro-expressions”, which could be how much you blink, smile or frown."
Reported Results
Results will be a commercial secret
However this enables a wider initial application pool to be interviewed in a process that potentially minimises the risk of unconscious bias and could increase diversity in the workforce
"Thousands of videos are then scanned by powerful algorithms that can pick up what kinds of words or phrases you are using, how concisely you present your arguments, and how confident you sound. Computer programmes using artificial intelligence (AI) can also detect “micro-expressions”, which could be how much you blink, smile or frown."
Human Resources
Every year banks like Goldman Sachs receive far more applicants than they could ever potentially meet. Historically there has also been a certain level of unconscious (and indeed conscious) bias that has limited those coming through each pool screening.
Operational - Candidate selection
Video from applicants, typically gathered remotely