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AI Case Study

The National Institution for Transforming India partners with IBM to develop a crop yield prediction model using AI

The Indian government's policy think-tank NITI Aayog decided in May 2018 to partner with IBM to develop a crop yield prediction model. The program is targeting 10 districts and plans to use AI to provide farmers with advisories in real-time.


Basic Materials


Project Overview

From the Press Information Bureau of the Government of India: "the partnership aims to work together towards the use of technology to provide insights to farmers to improve crop productivity, soil yield, control agricultural inputs with the overarching goal of improving farmers' incomes. The scope of this project is to introduce and make available climate-aware cognitive farming techniques and identifying systems of crop monitoring, early warning on pest and disease outbreak based on advanced AI innovations. It also includes deployment of weather advisory, rich satellite and enhanced weather forecast information along with IT and mobile applications with a focus on improving the crop yield and cost savings through better farm management." Firstpost reports that the "first phase of the project will focus on developing a model for 10 backward districts — branded as aspirational districts by NITI Aayog — across Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh."

The press release adds that "IBM will be using Artificial Intelligence to provide all the relevant data and platform for developing technological models for improving agricultural output and productivity for various crops and soil types, for the identified districts. NITI Aayog, on its part, will facilitate the inclusion of more stakeholders on the ground for effective last mile utilisation and extension, using the insights generated through these models."

Reported Results

Planned; results not yet available


Details undisclosed



Budgeting And Forecasting


According to the government's press release, "[b]ringing in future technologies like Artificial Intelligence into practical use will have tremendous benefits for the practice of agriculture in the country, improving efficiency in resource-use, crop yields and scientific farming. The ten Aspirational Districts chosen will be invigorated with cutting-edge technological support to leap-frog development of agri-based economies".



Details undisclosed

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