AI Use Case
Analyse social media data to evaluate architectural or planning impact of new developments
Analyse social, traffic data to measure potential impact of new building developments. Modeled outcomes might indicate hazards (e.g. fire evacuation risks) or design features for consideration (e.g. siting of facilities etc)
R And D
Product Development
Operational Support - Issue / outlier ID,Operational Support - Situational awareness,Risk reduction - Reduce environmental physical risk,Risk reduction - Reduced legal exposure
Case Studies
Potential Vendors
Professional Services
Professional Services Other
Data Sets
Text,Structured / Semi-structured,Time series
AI Technologies
Machine Learning (ML),Product Type - NLP - Text Sentiment Analysis,Product Type - NLP - Text Entity Extraction,Product Type - Natural Language Processing (NLP),ML Task - Prediction - Binary Classification,ML Task - Prediction - Multi-class Classification,ML Task - Prediction - Data Translation/Transformation