AI Use Case
Identify and navigate roads and obstructions in real time for autonomous driving
Identify and navigate roads and obstructions in real-time for autonomous driving. This requires a mapping of both relatively static elements - such as the road layout - but also dynamic threat assessment.
Revenue - New product,Cost - Job automation,Operational Support - Situational awareness,Risk reduction - Real time awareness
Case Studies
Local Motors~Local Motors offers mobility to people with disabilities through a 3D printed autonomous vehicle with natural language processing ,Tus-Caohejing Science Park Shanghai~Driverless street sweepers able to clean a park in less than 20 minutes employed for trial run in Shanghai's Tus-Caohejing Science Park ,Uber~Uber's self driving car failed to visualise and recognise a pedestrian and the potential risk in real-time resulting in a fatal accident,Tesla Inc~Drivers demonstrate Tesla's Autopilot limitations in recreation of fatal Model X crash at exact same location,CMA CGM~CMA CGM enhances its cargo ships piloting and collision avoidance techniques through real time object detection
Potential Vendors
IBM Watson,,Shone
Consumer Goods And Services
Automobiles And Parts
Data Sets
Video,Time series,Structured / Semi-structured,Images
AI Technologies
ML Task - Prediction - Annotation,ML Task - Prediction - Multi-class Classification,ML Task - Action Selection - Reinforcement Learning