AI Use Case
Predict likelihood of recividism or criminal activity on an individual basis
Prediction modelling typically used to support key decision-making steps in the judicial system - e.g. sentencing and early release. Historically rules and expert based systems there remains perceived risk of bias (e.g. on ethnic grounds) and lack of transparency and accountability.
Risk reduction - Reduced legal exposure,Risk reduction - Predictive diagnosis
Case Studies
Durham Police Constabulary (UK)~Durham Police Constabulary improves custody decisions by predicting whether offenders will re-offend using machine learning that results in 98% avoidance of false negatives,Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center~Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre predicted at expert-level 91% accuracy which students are at higher risk of perpetrating school violence using machine learning on interview scores,United States Department of Justice~US Justice system standardises bail permission through deploying algorithms but generates significant debate on biased outcomes,West Midlands Police~West Midlands Police anticipates violent crime with predictive policing using machine learning
Potential Vendors
Public And Social Sector
Data Sets
Structured / Semi-structured
AI Technologies
Machine Learning (ML),ML Task - Prediction - Regression