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AI Use Case

Recognise and categorise type of damage to predict insurance claim valuation through accessing photographic data

Recognise and categorise type of damage to predict insurance claim valuation through accessing photographs provided by on-site sources. Reduces need to deploy risk adjusters - and the chance that their assessments may be influenced by external factors (e.g. interaction with customers).



Cost - Job automation,Operational - Process speed up,Operational Support - Issue triage

Case Studies

Ant Financial ~Ant Financial automates vehicle damage assessment to assist automobile insurers using image recognition,Click-Ins~Click-Ins to detect and automatically assess car damage with the introduction of a visual recognition and matching tool ,CCC Information Services Inc.~CCC Information Services predicts repair requirements from vehicle collision photos using AI

Potential Vendors


Financial Services


Data Sets

Images,Structured / Semi-structured

AI Technologies

Machine Learning (ML),ML Task - Prediction - Multi-class Classification,ML Task - Prediction - Annotation,Product Type - Vision - Image classification

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