AI Use Case
Specify approach to crop growth based on individual plot characteristics and real time data
Specify crop growth techniques based on individual plot characteristics and relevant real time data. Scaling out best practice in agriculture will be potentially transformative when applied to the world's nutrition challenges.
Revenue - Product optimisation,Cost - Optimise resource allocation
Case Studies
Good Doctor Pharmaceutical Group~The Good Doctor Pharmaceutical Group's farm achieves manufacturing efficiency in breeding cockroaches for medicinal purposes through an AI-powered smart system,PEAT~PEAT identifies 400 diseases and pests from farmers' uploaded photos on their new mobile app
Potential Vendors
Basic Materials
Data Sets
Time series
AI Technologies
Machine Learning (ML),Model Architecture - Deep Neural Networks,Model Architecture - Convolutional Neural Network (CNN),ML Task - Prediction - Multi-class Classification,ML Task - Prediction - Regression,ML Task - Action Selection - Reinforcement Learning ,Product Type - Vision