AI Case Study
Loka enhances HR responsiveness to employee questions and improves awareness of policies and benefits through internal chatbots
Jane is a specialized AI assisted chatbot developed by Loka to address employee queries about policies or benefits. It can also analyse employee sentiments and patterns which can be used to identify issues and take action to fix them.
Renewable Energy
Project Overview
"The chatbot Jane from Loka provides real time answers to a range of HR questions, including, “Are we off on President’s Day?” or “What are my dental benefits?” Jane is capable of answering any question and answer set that can be stored in a database.
With Jane in place, Loka could automate a bulk of its HR work at the same time it could monitor commonly-asked questions. By applying sentiment analysis to Jane, the bot was able to determine when to raise a red flag to Loka’s HR leaders.
Another value of Jane is the opportunity to track employee issues using real time analytics and then apply sentiment analysis to address these issues. Let’s say that a majority of employees are asking questions about late payments for travel reimbursements. This data can indicate something in the system isn’t working correctly. Before things become a full blown issue, HR leaders can uncover the issue and communicate a solution."
Reported Results
Jane has been shown to improve employee satisfaction rates while allowing HR to focus on other issues
Human Resources
Employee Relations
Loka is a design and app development company based in San Francisco