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Download our AI presentations

29 March 2022 at 23:00:00
Dauphine Exec MBA - innovation and digital transformation with AI
What does the executive need to know about AI? This class covered what is AI, how is it being used, how does AI impact strategy, how do you operationalize AI, how do you identify and manage the risks of AI, and who is going to win the global race of AI supremacy.

10 February 2021 at 22:00:00
Digit Debates: Why the world needs to worry about the ethics of AI
This talk touched on:
- What are the risks and challenges of AI?
- How are the risks of AI being managed?
- What regulation is coming down the pipeline?
- How do China, the US and Europe differ in their approaches to Ethical AI?- - What can you do to ensure the responsible use of AI?
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