AI Case Study
Maersk aims to acieve safer and more efficient maritime operations with AI-powered situational awareness system on containerships
Container ship operator Maersk Line is to test an AI-powered situational awareness system aboard one of its containerships, aiming at achieving safer and more efficient maritime operations.
Freight And Logistics
Project Overview
"Maersk Line will test what is claimed to be the world’s first AI-powered situational awareness system aboard one of its containerships.
The world’s largest shipping company has partnered with Boston-based Sea Machines Robotics to trial the tech company’s industry-leading perception and situational awareness technology aboard one of Maersk’s newbuild ice-class container ships.
“The deal is significant not only to Sea Machines and Maersk, but also to the larger maritime industry as the installation marks first time computer vision, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and perception software will be utilized aboard a container vessel to augment and upgrade transit operations,” Sea Machines said in a press release." (gcaptain)
"The system is reportedly similar to the Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) commonly found in automobiles, using sensors to collect a continuous stream of information from a vessel’s surroundings, to identify and track potential conflicts, displaying the information in the wheelhouse, facilitating safer and more efficient maritime operations." (insurancemarinenews)
Reported Results
Pilot; results not yet available
"Τhe company says their system uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve at-sea situational awareness, object identification and tracking capabilities. Similar to Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) commonly found in automobiles, Sea Machines’ system uses advanced sensors to collect a continuous stream of information from a vessel’s surroundings, identify and track potential conflicts, and display information in the wheelhouse, facilitating safer and more efficient maritime operations. The system also utilizes cutting-edge Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and perception software."
Supply Chain
Information from a vessel’s surroundings captured through sensors.