AI Case Study
McCann Fitzgerald reduces number of documents for review by 99% for GDPR compliance through its app which automates assessment
McCann Fitzgerald have launched a GDPR compliance application which asks clients questions to ascertain their level of risk to non-compliance. The app also automatically generates reports describing vulnerable areas.
Professional Services
Project Overview
"Using the GDPR Gap Analysis App organisations can quickly identify their level of compliance and any areas of major risk in relation to GDPR and enable them to determine where they need
to focus their compliance efforts. This innovative, McCann FitzGerald-developed GDPR Gap Analysis application is revolutionary, combining the expertise of our market-leading data privacy lawyers and our dedicated R&D team with Neota Logic’s expert ‘Intelligent Reasoning’ technology. The GDPR Gap Analysis application poses questions that vary according to the responses you provide from the available options and, once completed, a weighted scoring system with an immediate high-level assessment of your compliance with the GDPR. From this, you can decide what actions are required and where you need targeted legal advice in order to ensure that you are GDPR-ready in time for the 25 May 2018 deadline and maintain your compliance afterwards.
Our GDPR Gap Analysis application assesses organisational compliance with all applicable obligations under the GDPR... This report is auto-generated, based on the answers that you provide."
Reported Results
McCann Fitzgerald reports that: "in one example, the firm reduced 11m documents that were of potential relevance in a matter down to 11,000 within six weeks".
The app "uses an advanced weighted scoring system to assess very quickly an organisation’s compliance with its GDPR obligations".
Legal And Compliance
"In September 2017, McCann FitzGerald announced that it had entered into an agreement with Neota Logic, creators of a leading artificial intelligence AI-driven platform, to design and market applications to assist McCann FitzGerald’s clients in reducing the time and cost of legal work. The new GDPR Gap Analysis app is the first in a series of digital services that will be launched by McCann FitzGerald as a result of this collaboration.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply from
25 May 2018, introducing significant changes to European Union data protection law and serious penalties for breaches, including fines of up to 4% of global turnover or €20 million (whichever is greater). All organisations need to review their data protection
practices in light of the impending changes under the GDPR, and consider what changes and updates will be required to ensure that they are GDPR-ready. They will also need to monitor their continuing compliance once GDPR becomes applicable."