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AI Case Study

Pockit increases customer conversions by 15% using automated identity verification from Onfido

Pockit uses Onfido for KYC and AML (know-your-customer and anti-money laundering respectively) which it does remotely. Utilising machine learning and facial recognition, Onfido can verify users' identities with images of government documents and selfies. This has increased customer conversion by 15% by making the identity check process easier and more efficient.


Financial Services


Project Overview

According to Onfido's blog: "Onfido deliver next-generation KYC & AML, helping businesses across the world verify anyone, anywhere, and offering their clients the option to integrate their services through an API. ....Onfido are able to verify users’ identities regardless of their credit file and therefore minimise financial exclusion." Onfido does those by "verifying your legal identity through the means of a government issued identity document such as a passport, driving license or national identity card. Together with a selfie (video or image) that we match against your document we can validate your legal identity" using machine learning (Onfido Medium).

Onfido's blog states "Pockit is able to provide this service to its customers and overcome the identity verification hurdles that come with a bank account by offering a low-risk product that keeps the features their customers value. They use Onfido to carry out remote identity verification to verify that their users are who they say they are, without needing to meet them face to face. Upon verifying the person’s identity, they can easily run the international watchlist checks to provide assurance that they are not supporting money laundering or terrorist financing".

Reported Results

Increased customer conversions from 62% to 77%



Legal And Compliance



From Onfido's blog: "When you open an account in the UK, the bank runs an identity and anti-money laundering check on you, also known as KYC & AML. With these checks, the financial company verifies whether you have a known history of illegal financial behaviour and that you are who you say you are. However, if you are not found on the credit reference agency database, you are considered not to exist. If you do not exist, you are denied access to the financial system: this is the hurdle which many new entrants to the country face. Given the UK’s healthy and diverse immigrant population, this poses a significant problem." Pockit aims to address by "offering an account you can have salary paid into or put cash into it at 28,000 locations in the UK. You also get a MasterCard and an app, which allows you to spend online and on the high street whilst you manage your money on the go.... We want to make sure all transactions made through Pockit are of a legal nature. Since we operate remotely, verifying everyone’s identity is crucial, and it’s also important that we can do it as quickly and seamlessly as possible - if the experience of registering online turns out to be cumbersome for the customer, that’s a customer we may lose".



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