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AI Case Study

Santa Clara University improves pedestrian safety by automatically detecting approaching people and triggering a crosswalk signal

Santa Clara University installed VIMOC’s vision-based AI system to automate pedestrian detection and warning signalling. Cameras attached to the ceiling of the garage where the crosswalk lies detect pedestrians approaching and then sends the information to VIMOC’s platform which in turn communicates with the system that triggers flashing lights along the crosswalk, ensuring the safety of pedestrian and reducing the risk of accidents.


Public And Social Sector

Education And Academia

Project Overview

According to the vendor, "VIMOC’s state-of-the-art vision based Artificial Intelligence (AI) system completely automates pedestrian detection and warning. Cameras attached to the ceiling of the garage detect pedestrians approaching the crosswalk and send information to VIMOC’s Rosella Platform, which in turn communicates with the system that triggers flashing lights along the crosswalk. VIMOC’s solution to pedestrian detection reduces the margin of human error and ensures the utmost safety for pedestrians and drivers alike. VIMOC’s deep learning solution to pedestrian detection provides unprecedented accuracy. Without exception, pedestrians nearing the intersection are tracked, and the crosswalk lights are illuminated. Ensuring that drivers are warned of an approaching pedestrian regardless of whether or not the pedestrian is distracted is crucial. Students often cross the intersection buried in their phones, but VIMOC’s automated system reduces the risk posed by distracted pedestrians.

Reported Results

Results undisclosed, however the vendor states that apart "from the obvious benefits of pedestrian safety, driver ease and increased customer satisfaction, this superior pedestrian detection system ensures reduced risk of litigation as well as reduced insurance premiums".




Network Operations


"Millie Kenney, Director of Parking and Transportation Services at SCU, had been concerned for years about a crosswalk in a central parking garage on campus. Millie explains that the placement of this crosswalk is especially problematic, due to the lighting contrast drivers experience entering the garage. Furthermore, she had noticed that pedestrians were often distracted and would enter the crosswalk with little caution. The small “Yield to Pedestrians” sign was not enough to sufficiently warn drivers of pedestrians’ presence, and although there had luckily never been an accident, the potential for one warranted significant action."



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