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AI Case Study

Wri undercovers counterfeit stock trading with the use of machine learning

Wri leveraged Incorpo's machine learning solution to identify a counterfeit stock trader for one of their clients, a global electronics company. The system was able to locate the physical point of sale by analysing infringing eBay listings, images and other web results. In cooperation with the appropriate authorities, the operation resulted in the confiscation of over 9,000 counterfeit and potentially unsafe items.


Project Overview

"WRi utilised Incopro’s Talisman system to identify the infringer through image and web searching. They were prioritised as a target based on their low-priced repair services in which they used suspected counterfeit parts and the promotion of wholesale parts. Incopro was also able to identify multiple infringing eBay listings connected to them and this lead to the infringer’s eBay store where their contact details were identified, including physical location.

Talisman scours the Internet using machine learning to uncover damaging threats to your brand.

WRi took this information and liaised with external public-sector partners (Police, Trading Standards and Border Force), from whom they received notice of a shipment of counterfeit goods heading to the trader. After further investigation that the company was a large-scale importer and seller of counterfeit goods, WRi raided the premises with the authorities.

An examination of the premises also revealed links to a supplier based in Hong Kong which has led to a further investigation. Additional contact details have since been identified, along with location of the Hong Kong premises and the confirmed association between the two entities, as well as their director’s UK residential address. The trader is currently being prosecuted and to our knowledge no longer trading in counterfeit stock."

Reported Results

"The raid was successful and led to the confiscation of over 9,000 counterfeit and potentially unsafe items."


"Talisman scours the Internet using machine learning to uncover damaging threats to your brand."



Creative And Brand


WRi specialises in "anti-counterfeiting & anti-piracy investigations and assist their clients by reducing the threat of Intellectual Property (IP) crime, fraud, money laundering and other shadow economy activities.

They have a reputation for delivering results and have partnered with some of the world’s largest brands, providing them with reactive and proactive on-the-ground defence, from the end customer up through the supply chain. Incopro will provide WRi with details about infringers, and they will then run test purchases and conduct further investigation before potentially raiding and closing down criminal operations.

WRi recently worked with a market leading, global electronics company who were suffering from a large-scale counterfeiting issue. This issue went beyond lost revenue as there was a health & safety risk around counterfeited electronic goods which could cause major reputational damage."



images and web results

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