AI Use Case
Forecast network demand
Forecasting network demand (average demand, surge demand, minimal viable demand) based on predicted network usage behaviours, patterns, trends and likely upcoming events (e.g. cold weather). Helping determine future capacity needs (e.g. retail locations, new plant, new networks) ensures better planning outcomes including potential (what if) working situations.
Network Operations
Operational Support - Demand forecasting,Operational Support - Situational awareness
Case Studies
Viacom~Viacom reduces video start delay by 33% by improving video streaming using machine learning to analyse network performance and resource utilisation,Premier Resort~Premier Resort manages its indoor wireless location services using machine learning ,Verizon~Verizon monitors and optimises network performance in real-tim using machine learning to analyse network interface data
Potential Vendors
Databricks,Mist Systems
Data Sets
Structured / Semi-structured
AI Technologies
Traditional AI,ML Task - Prediction - Regression,Machine Learning (ML),Model Architecture - Random Forest,Model Architecture - Artificial Neural Network (ANN)