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AI Case Study

Allen & Overy monitors legal press and media with machine learning

Allen & Overy monitors the legal press and relevant media for their company and their partners by leveraging Signal AI's machine learning technology. The law firm has been able to make well informed decisions on content topics and outreach plans based on the insight.


Professional Services


Project Overview

"Tim Baxter and Susanna Robinson work within the Communications team at Allen & Overy, the global law firm headquartered in London. We spoke to Tim and Susanna about their experiences working with Signal.

Having both worked agency-side, Susanna and Tim had seen and used lots of media monitoring solutions in the past and were keen to try something different. They liked the idea of a tool powered by artificial intelligence that could be trained to give them up-to-the-minute news on a range of chosen topics and organisations with tailored alerts and reporting.

Getting set-up on Signal was quick and straightforward, and the customer support team were knowledgeable, responsive and friendly. The search functionality and dashboard have made it easy to discover articles related to topics, events and companies of interest to A&O in the legal press or beyond. The UK team can monitor key international publications via a global reading list that’s been created for them and in-platform translations. Email alerts go to the relevant overseas colleague based on source location and language."

Reported Results

"The Communications Team at A&O has been successfully tracking mentions of their partners, initiatives and company using Signal. They’ve been able to track their overall share of voice as well as break it down by topics, spokespeople and targeted media. Signal is providing them with actionable insights via the platform as well as through tailored quarterly and annual reports that enable the team to dig further into the metrics.

A&O is now equipped with data that helps them make informed decisions about content topics and outreach plans. They can see exactly where in the world they are getting coverage, how they are faring in terms of sentiment, what the key stories related to their company, people and competitors have been and can slice the data by practice area. Signal has been open and receptive to the feedback from A&O and used it to develop their platform further and improve their services which has been a win-win for both businesses."






"Allen & Overy needed a media monitoring and measurement solution to enable them to track share of voice, measure campaign success and alert them when their company and partners were mentioned in the press. The A&O Communications Team wanted a service that would give them quick and easy access to relevant news stories as they happened and didn’t give them inaccurate coverage that they’d still have to pay for and sift through.

They were also keen to monitor key topics such as Brexit and diversity, news related to competitors and clients and surface M&A activity that could help the team, and broader business, find and capitalise on new opportunities. A&O are also committed to being the world’s most advanced law firm and actively seek out ways to support and adopt technology that digitises the legal sector."



Media and press articles

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