AI Use Case
Enable genome sequencing for personalised cancer treatment
Gene analytics and editing can be sped up and delivered with high accuracy using AI. The potential for radical change in patient outcomes in oncology is one of the most interesting potential outcomes from applied AI.
Risk reduction - Patient outcomes,Risk reduction - Mortality rate,Risk reduction - Predictive diagnosis,Risk reduction - Recovery rate
Case Studies
Potential Vendors
Pharmaceuticals And Biotech
Data Sets
Structured / Semi-structured,Images
AI Technologies
Machine Learning (ML),ML Task - Prediction - Binary Classification,Model Architecture - Support Vector Machine (SVM),Model Architecture - Artificial Neural Network (ANN),Model Architecture - Decision Tree,Model Architecture - Random Forest,Algorithm - K-Nearest Neighbour,Algorithm - Naive Bayes,Traditional AI,Model Architecture - Hidden Markov Model,ML Task - Grouping - Clustering,Algorithm - Actor-Critic,Algorithm - Ensemble Learning