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AI Case Studies

University of Essex

Core Research And Development


University of Essex researchers compare machine learning models for improving weather condition classification of images

Adobe Research

Core Research And Development


Adobe Research team investigates current approaches in machine learning for automating data cleansing and finds them inadequatee


Core Research And Development


DeepMind achieves human specialist accuracy in diagnosing retina disease based on scans using machine learning


Core Research And Development


DeepMind achieves superhuman performance with its Go-playing AI program using reinforcement learning and neural nets


Core Research And Development


Fast.AI more accurately classifies text while requiring less training data due to a new natural language processing technique


Core Research And Development


Microsoft Research predicts underperforming biotech companies with 62% accuracy in tests natural language processing


Core Research And Development


Baidu researchers synthesise speech through neural voice cloning with limited data samples


Core Research And Development


Facebook provides technology able to turn 2D images into 3D models


Core Research And Development


Google DeepMind plans to build complete 3D models from a few pictures using generative query network


Core Research And Development


Google Research detects diabetic eye disease as well as leading ophthalmologists with machine learning


Core Research And Development


Google's cocktail party effect uniquely identifies and focuses on an individual's voice while watching a video of people talking in a crowded room

Stanford University

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Stanford University researchers improve weather forecasting by over 40% on historic data with machine learning


Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Simprints predicts what a baby's fingerprints will look like when they reach adulthood through machine learning

Imperial College London

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Clinicial researchers at Imperial College London and the University of Edinburgh develop machine learning based software that could speed up treatment of patients showing signs of stroke or dementia

Cornell University

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Cornell University researchers increase processing efficiency 300x by developing Adaboost algorithm to automate detection of elephant rumblings


Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Cray's CosmoFlow can now predict cosmological parameters with unprecedented accuracy with a deep learning 3D convolutional neural network


Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

MIT researchers aim to make cancer treatments less toxic with machine learning


Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

MIT researchers develop system that can identify individuals with 96% accuracy for smart homes improvement

McGill University

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

McGill University predicts signs of dementia two years before its onset with 84% accuracy with supervised learning

New York University

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

NYU researchers detected lymphedema with 93.8% accuracy using neural networks

National University of Singapore

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

National University of Singapore researchers use deep learning to outperform current methods in detecting glaucoma progression in patients

Oregon Health and Science University

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Oregon Health and Science University trained deep learning models on used machine learning to diagnose the leading childhood blindness disease with 91% accuracy bettering the 82% of opthalmologists


Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Particle physicists carry out complex analyses on the 1 million gigabytes of data produced per second during experiments using machine learning.

University of Colorado Boulder

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Researchers aim to identify fibromyalgia patients from fMRI images using machine learning

Harvard University

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Researchers at Harvard University and the University of Tübingen track animals’ movements in the lab using deep learning

IBM Research

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Researchers at IBM Research Australia, the University of Toronto, and University of Melbourne build model to generate sonnets using deep learning

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory identified a sound pattern that indicates slippage and fault failure using machine learning

Tomsk Polytechnic University Russia

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Researchers at Tomsk Polytechnic University Russia to launch a fleet of robot-bee prototypes suitable for greenhouses

"University of California, Berkeley "

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Researchers at UC Berkeley find 72 previously undetected bursts in data gathered on FRB 121102 using machine learning

University of Glasgow

Core Research And Development

Public And Social Sector

Researchers at the University of Glasgow develop platform to locate new molecules using machine learning

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